Best in class security at every stage of IoT connectivity

Automatically detect threats, securely connect devices to applications, and protect your project from external attacks around the world

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Security concerns stop 85% of IoT projects. Here’s how it won’t happen to you.

  • Data transport protection

    End-to-end security for your IoT data as it travels to the data center through our global IPX network, avoiding the public internet.

  • Threat detection and identification

    Proactively detect and identify threats across the three layers of your IoT project: device, network, and application. Let’s develop your IoT security strategy and stick to it during planning, buildout, and operation.

  • Device authentication

    Ensure you don’t let unauthenticated devices into your network. Get unique IDs for your devices, which you can track in our management platform.

  • Enhance your offer

    Easily integrate with solutions such as IoT Defense, Azure Sphere, and more, to further complement your offer.

Implement end-to-end global security now


IPSec VPN over the internet

Connect to individual SIM cards through VPN. Secured back-end integration. Move data between your IoT devices and your server securely.


BICS global IPX network

Our new global backbone for IoT/ M2M data transport through a secure and reliable private network.


Cloud Connect

We securely connect your on-premise networks with your cloud service provider’s data centers. Easy connectivity to AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud.

Your IoT deployments are secure with our advanced mobile core network and intelligent SIM for Things platform


Core Network Security

New threats emerge all the time, which is why our proactive approach is essential. We monitor the network 24/ 7 for threats with real time detection of signaling attacks. Our solutions effectively block SIM signaling attacks including DoS, Interception, and tracking & profile.


SIM For Things platform security

Our SIM management platform is secure by design, from network firewalls to secured back-end integrations. Our platform sends alerts as soon as any abnormal behavior is detected. Automate blocking, throttling, or SIM suspension to prevent fraudsters from creating lasting damage.

Is your IoT project ecosystem secure enough?

Penetration tests and reverse engineering help detect any areas for improvement before launching. We test both data “at rest” and “in transit”.

Penetration testing happens regularly to ensure your IoT project’s security has not been compromised and is ready to face new threats.

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Your SIM as the Root of Trust

We follow the GSMA’s SAFE (IoT SIM Applet for Secure End-to-End Communication) initiative recommendation to use the SIM as a secure hardware element (or a Root of Trust) to achieve secure chip-to-cloud security of IoT devices.

The SAFE framework has many benefits: standardized APIs to access SIM-based security services, savings in operating costs with zero-touch provisioning, minimized risk of attacks, and simple and secure device management.

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