Case study

Mission-critical communications with Everbridge

As the leading provider of critical event management technology, Everbridge is trusted by governments and private corporations to manage critical events and improve communications during potentially life-threatening situations. In order to successfully protect their customers, they need to rely on the best possible network for their mission-critical communications.

Mission-critical communications with Everbridge

In a nutshell

  • Everbridge

  • Critical Event Management Technology

  • Global

BICS solution
  • Global communications

  • Shortcode with national and international reach

  • Low latency and high speed

  • One-stop-shop experience

  • Business growth

  • Higher delivery rates

  • Operational efficiency


Everbridge faced several challenges in their mission to protect their customers during critical events. They needed global coverage to ensure the efficient delivery of mission-critical communications everywhere, even in challenging or remote environments. Flawless Quality of Service (QoS) was essential, as reliable connectivity in emergency communications can be a matter of life or death. Everbridge needed to guarantee low latency and high-quality SMS and voice connectivity. Additionally, they required a straightforward communications solution to avoid the complexity of managing multiple relationships with operators around the world, aiming for a simple yet global solution.


BICS addressed Everbridge’s needs with a fully customized solution developed through an agile process. They provided global communications with guaranteed reach worldwide, even in remote areas, fully compliant with local regulations. The solution ensured low latency and high speed everywhere, consistently delivering great QoS, supported by the highest security and lowest latency of BICS’ routes. Furthermore, BICS offered a one-stop-shop experience, serving as a single partner for all emergency communications, managed from a user-friendly global platform.

In the event of a disaster, communications need to be quick and reliable – delays of even seconds can change lives. BICS, one of the strongest communications networks in the world, helps us to support organizational resilience in even more communities, businesses, and countries.


Dominic Jones, SVP of Business Development, Partners & Alliances



Business growth

Everbridge can now service customers in new regions worldwide, with a more secure and reliable communications system through their partnership with BICS.


Higher delivery rates

An increase in SMS delivery rates, thanks to BICS’ fully owned IPX network guaranteeing both reach and QoS.


Operational efficiency

Everbridge drastically reduced the number of vendors they had to manage, upgraded to a stronger and more intelligent network, optimizing their operational costs, OpEx, and product/vendor management resources.