Our way forward: BICS fraud prevention and security solutions

Our way forward: BICS fraud prevention and security solutions

Managing the current threat landscape

Fraud is an increasing problem across industries, but especially so for communications service providers. Though leaders in the sector are acutely aware of the growing threat that fraud attempts are posing to their reputation, finances, customers, and even the longevity of their business, their current protections are proving inadequate at keeping fraudsters at bay.

  • And, while many of them experience frustration with the solution available to them, they have been burnt by shiny new solutions too many times or have otherwise struggled to find the right partner for their organization.

Fending off threats – the BICS way

The issue behind the inadequacy of many fraud security solutions is that they often don’t have the right approach. We have seen that there is no silver-bullet solution to putting an end to fraud. The best solution is an integrated one and a proactive approach, which identifies, flags and tackles fraud from all sides:

  • IoT-network-security_white

    Protecting both the network and the platform

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    Establishing a strong onboarding process

  • data-analytics_white

    Analyzing, predicting and flagging potentially risky user behavior and giving the business actionable insights


At BICS, our expert security solutions bring these elements together, adding international expertise to keep businesses safe from new and emerging types of fraud.


  • BICS doesn’t just provides high-quality protection to each individual business. It also applies machine learning to detect complex fraud schemes and learns from the experiences of customers worldwide, allowing every organization using the platform to benefit from BICS’ global expertise and anticipate attacks based on emerging global trends.

  • Our solution is flexible and can be integrated with any internal solution or infrastructure, providing further layers on top of existing security solutions – an important point considering that 31% of respondents say their current solution is unable to integrate with their existing infrastructure.

Don’t just take our word for it. The numbers show our results


27,11 billion

monitored calls


110,48 million

blocked calls


€87,39 million

revenue saved


507 million

blocked robocalls



of traffic barred

Explore our solutions now

Explore our solutions now

If you are unprotected, fraud becomes a question of when, not if. No business, however large or well-established, is immune to fraud attempts. Planning before the worst happens can make all the difference.

Get in touch to learn more about how BICS can help tackle new and emerging types of fraud, keeping your business’ operations, customers, and bottom line safe.

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