Legal and contractual information
Legal Name: Belgacom International Carrier Services SA
Commercial name: BICS
Registered office: Boulevard du Roi Albert II, 27 B-1030 Brussels – Belgium
Phone: +32 2 547 52 10
VAT / Brussels register of legal entities / Company number: BE 0866 977 981
IBAN: BE62 3751 0297 3461
Share capital: EUR 1,500,000
Legal and contractual information
Legal warnings
Copyright and right of the producer of a database
The website constitutes a creation protected by copyright, as well as a database on which BICS holds the copyright and the rights as producer. All texts, layouts, drawings, photos, films, graphics and other elements of this site are protected by copyright. Any copy, adaptation, modification, translation, arrangement, communication to the public, location or any other exploitation, of any part or whole of this site, under whichever form or by whatever means, whether electronic, mechanical or by other means, is strictly prohibited, except prior authorisation in writing by BICS.A sui generis right, authorising the producer of a database to prohibit any extraction and/or re-utilisation of any or part of the content of such database, protects the content of such database.
Any infringement to these rights is liable of civil and criminal proceedings.
Trademarks and trade names
All denominations, logos, and other signs used on this site, including the logo and the name of Proximus and BICS, are trademarks and/or trade names protected by law. Proximus and BICS strictly prohibit any use of those, or of similar signs, except prior authorisation in writing.Liability for content
This site is created and maintained by BICS with the utmost care. However, BICS cannot guarantee the exact nature of the information contained in this site. The user agrees that such information, in particular concerning the products offered at sale and their prices, may be modified without prior notice. BICS declines all liability for the content of this site, as well as for the use made of such content. BICS cannot be held liable for the content or the existence of other sites, to which hyperlinks are created.Request from Law Enforcement Agencies (LEA)
LEAs having the authority to send requests to BICS SA/NV may send their requests to -
General Terms & Conditions
Standard Contractual Clause
Local regulations
> Authorization form
> Terms of ServiceHungary:
In accordance with the Decision of the President of National Media and Communications Authority of Hungary (Decision No: PS/10257-196/2023), a fixed termination rate of 0.1152 HUF/min is applicable for BICS fixed number ranges. For interconnection information, please contact BICS at
In accordance with Decision No. PS/10257-196/2023 of the Hungarian National Media and Infocommunications Authority (the NMHH) Belgacom International Carrier Services SA/NV (BICS) has been designated as a service provider with significant market power and as such has the obligation to publish the terms and conditions for the provision and use of the call termination service.
It is important to note that BICS does not own network infrastructure in Hungary and relies on interconnection points of its partner. To fulfil the imposed obligation by the NMHH we can only direct interested parties to the partners website where the terms and conditions of use and provision of services for connection and call completion with the fixed telephone network of 4Voice Távközlési Kft. are published.
> Authorization form
> Terms and Conditions (effective until 22.10.2023)
> Terms and Conditions (effective as of 23.10.2023)Hong Kong:
Codes of conduct
As fully owned affiliate of Proximus, BICS adheres to the Proximus Code of Conduct.
The new revised version of the Code of Conduct is available below. It replaces the Proximus Code of Conduct dated December 2009. It is applicable to all operations and employees of the Proximus Group.
The Proximus Code of Conduct reflects the fundamental principles and rules which form the basis of our commitment to being a socially responsible company. We believe that strong results have to be accompanied by integrity if we want to contribute to the economic, social and environmental development of our society. Ethical conduct does not limit itself to the compliance with the text of this Code of Conduct. It is a summary of the most important principles, and is thus non exhaustive. The principles and rules it contains are developed in greater detail in several internal policies and procedures.
> Proximus Code of Conduct
> Communications Code of Conduct
> SMS Code of Conduct -
Whistleblowing procedure
BICS is committed to conducting its business with honesty and integrity. We expect all employees, officers, and third parties acting in BICS’ name, to adhere to the ethical standards, values and behaviors in accordance with laws and internal policies.
Reports of suspected misconduct can be made through these channels:
By email:
whistleblowing mailbox: whistleblowing@bics.comBy letter (please ensure you indicate CONFIDENTIAL on the envelope):
BICS Security Officer
Mr Jan De Cocker
Boulevard du Roi Albert II 27
B 1030 Bruxelles -
Corporate security statement
Privacy policy
Privacy policy
BICS understands your need for privacy and knows that privacy is also an important issue for you. That is why we do everything possible to respect your privacy when you use our website or our services and when you interact with us for any matter.