Chapter 3

How can brands and operators combat AIT?

While AIT has decreased in 2024, it is largely due to a significant drop in brand spend. Just hitting the brakes on A2P SMS isn’t a long-term fix to fraud. It’s clear that some solid strategies are needed to rebuild trust in international messaging.

How can brands and operators combat AIT?

What’s the solution?

  • What steps can brands take to moderate AIT fraud?

  • What can operators do to moderate AIT?

  • security_shield

    Invest in advanced fraud prevention solutions

    equipped with real-time threat intelligence to prevent fraudulent traffic. Verify destination numbers and ranges against a threat intelligence database and track traffic patterns.
  • security_cloud-lock

    Implement security measures and controls

    at the digital service provider level to reduce the risk of service abuse.
  • login

    Reinforce security checks in the onboarding process

    and implement controls on subscriber behavior and communication types.
  • SMS_fraud

    Use secure messaging platforms

    that offer robust security features, including end-to-end encryption, two-factor authentication, and fraud detection capabilities.
  • partners

    Collaborate with trusted partners

    such as MNOs and carriers with a proven track record in combating AIT, while enforcing strong contractual agreements that address fraud, including penalties for partners involved in it.
  • reduced-cost-dollar

    Reduce ITR

    By lowering these rates, the financial incentives for generating AIT are diminished, making it less attractive for fraudsters to engage in such activities.
  • charts_bar-chart-up

    Refuse to enter inflated exclusivity agreements

    These agreements often incentivize fraudulent behavior by guaranteeing high volumes of traffic at inflated prices.
  • fraud

    Reject aggregators known to be complicit in AIT fraud

    This requires thorough vetting and continuous monitoring of aggregator partners to ensure they adhere to ethical practices.
  • contract

    Revise contracts to exclude charges for identified AIT traffic

    This protects brands from the financial burden of AIT fraud.
  • fraud_prevention-analytics

    Implement state of the art fraud detection and prevention systems

    to block fraudulent traffic in real-time.

Technological solutions to support the common fight against AIT

Businesses and MNOs need the right expertise and capabilities to secure the future of A2P SMS without losing the trust of customers or suffering the financial burden of fraud.

As a global player in the telecommunications landscape, BICS is in a unique position to help combat the rise of AIT. Our Fraud & Security solutions provide a comprehensive suite of tools to help you stay a step ahead of ever-evolving threats, such as AIT.

  • Fully owned threat intelligence database

    Benefit from the world’s largest threat intelligence database, optimized by machine learning. We help MNOs with pro-active and preventive screening and blocking of signaling and cyber-attacks. 100,000+ global titles screened daily, enhanced with multiple data points from across the industry.

  • Cross-domain and cross-service intelligence

    We help you combat threats on every front, including voice, messaging, signaling, and roaming fraud

Key features

Fraud prevention as a service


Real-time detection

Utilizing AI and machine learning algorithms to identify and block suspicious traffic instantly.


Collaborative framework

We leverage our cross-segment, cross-technology capabilities to offer both operators and enterprises 360° protection.


Turnkey solution

Safeguard your business and customers with fast and easy onboarding and API integration


Proactive 24/7 protection

from threats, we block 90-95% if attacks before they happen.

Key features

Comprehensive reporting

Get valuable real-time updates and monthly reports on key threats, all from a user-friendly portal.

Future prospects

RCS and OTT channels

As we look towards the future of messaging, Rich Communication Services (RCS) is set to scale massively, especially since Apple’s recent adoption of the technology. Meanwhile, alternative channels such as flash calling, or OTT can be advantageous options for brands looking to diversify their authentication methods.


Our fraud prevention solutions are designed to safeguard all your messaging channels and help you explore new opportunities without compromising on security.


However, SMS remains for now the most ubiquitous of channels and cannot be simply replaced by these alternatives so it is in everyone’s interest, operators and enterprises, to reduce AIT fraud.

Contact our expert